Explore DesignShifts

Here, you’ll find the DesignShifts we’re exploring both in theory and in practice. Each topic explores Shifting the posture, power, perspective, practice, and the purpose of design.

DesignShift: From Creating For/From The Intellectual Mind to Creating For/From The Living body
Knowledge Ida Persson Knowledge Ida Persson

DesignShift: From Creating For/From The Intellectual Mind to Creating For/From The Living body

Good design should be about creating multi-sensory experiences. However, today, as designers are asked to prove their worth through spreadsheets and numbers, our work is often reduced to what can be shown or explained using rational thinking.

It seems like we’ve forgotten what it means to engage with the parts of our bodies that can’t be seen on a Zoom call. It seems like we’ve forgotten that feelings that live in our bodies are central to how we engage with the world and other people.

DesignShift: From creating for/from the intellectual mind to creating for/from the living body.

What does it mean to create FOR the living body?
What does it mean to create FROM the living body?
Thinking, Being, Doing, Sensing, Feeling, Holding… How can we design beyond the intellectual mind?

All those things that make us human and connected go beyond the intellect. They touch us on a deeper, more expansive level. They make us come alive in ways that cannot be explained or proven. They can only be felt in our bodies.

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Let’s shift together

No one knows it all. Together we know a lot. See a Shift that aligns with your current work or passion? What to co-write a shift or host a collaboration session? I would love to connect.