DesignShifts is a collaborative learning journey exploring a better future for and through design.
That aims to shift our perspectives, practices, and the purpose of design in order to aid the transition towards a better tomorrow.
Shifting Perspectives
What we believe
Shifting Practices
How we do the work
Shifting Purpose
What our work is in service of
Latest DesignShifts
Today, a lot of design is causing harm. The way we design our buildings is creating inhabitable cities. The applications we build are contributing to an expanding mental health crisis. The messages we craft are making people buy more while feeling less and less satisfied.
If we want to tackle the interrelated crises of climate, food, energy, poverty, and meaning* we must Shift our perspectives, practices, and the purpose of design.
Shifting mindsets, practices, and focuses — together
DesignShifts was started by me, Ida Persson, as a content series. In a moment of personal transition, I wanted to explore how we can Shift design to better serve people and the planet through theory and practice.
It was both a way for me to explore some of the topics that my heart was craving and a way to connect with other like-minded people. My wish is to expand these ideas in community with designers, dreamers, strategists, scientists, authors, parents, etc. No one knows it all, but together we know a lot.